Certified MUA
Professional Face and Body Painter

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news - Where I've been
Joey's World GO Transit Booth - Harbour front Festival Whitby Ribfest Durham Caribbean Festival Forest Brook Community Church Kedron P.S. St.Joseph C.S Kinder Corner Daycare Mamas & Chicks Show Relay for Life
Durham Autism Awareness York Region EMS Family Day Ajax FC
The Denise House YMCA W Cocktail Club Boston Pizza Putting Edge Oshawa Pride Parade Franco Pride Toronto Kedron Fun Day Elmstone Vogue Cuddly Cats Rescue Home Depot Club 717 Earthbound Kids Rogers Daytime NEBS Funworld Girls Nite 4 Autism 5 Points Mall
Diabetes Centre Walkaton COPE Mental Health Walk Baskin Robbins Boots & Hearts Festival with Faces by 2 North Oshawa Farmers Market Oshawa Public Library Hyundai Verax York Region EMS Family Day